Hey there! ☺︎ I'm Yixi Liu, a 1st-year M.S.HCI + Design student @UW-HCDE.
me (mask-on🤐)
me (mask-off 😎)
Thanks for dropping by my portfolio! I am currently a 1st-year Master’s student at the University of Washington studying human-centered design. Previously, I studied Digital Media and Art at New York University.
My design journey began in high school where I designed independent magazines. Since then I have been exploring different mediums to communicate information and build connections with people. This passion led me to pursue a degree in media and art where I learned humanities and digital skills (I 🎨draw, 👩🏻💻code, and 💡design) to create works that explore the relationship between people, tech, and society.
Now I’m transitioning into user experience design because I want to create works that are not just fun and aesthetically pleasing, but also MAKE SENSE. After years of exploration, I have found myself to be both a creative and analytical person. While making arts allow my creativity to flourish boundlessly, I enjoyed making sense of information and creating meaningful solutions to address real-world problems.
Some recent reflections as a designer:
I used to run out of ideas sometimes as an artist, but now working with people as a designer gives me endless inspiration. YAY! 😆💡
The city is my homescreen is one of my favorite readings. It talks about how designers should look beyond individual experiences and care for the collective impact.
Delivery is important. A good idea with a bad delivery could hardly impress people. [Empirical fact: users are more generous if the design is pretty 🌸]
Recently I’ve been:
At school: learning usability testing and qualitative research methods.
In front of screens: learning design systems, Lens Studio, and motion graphics.
Away from screens: painting with acrylic and markers.
Outdoor: treasure hunting at Trader Joe’s.